Support to Parents and Students

Support to Parents and Students

  1. 1. School Social Worker

In order to take care of the physical and mental health of both parents and children, a school-based social worker service is provided with every Tuesday and Friday. Services include child-oriented workshops, play therapy and art therapy to meet children’s developmental and learning needs. Parent seminars and parent-child workshops are held regularly on Saturdays to understand the needs of different families and to promote positive parent-child relationships.

  1. On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS)

The Social Welfare Department (SWD) has implemented the On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services. Heep Hong Society provides on-site services for our students with special educational needs (SEN) to access the necessary training early in the “golden training period”. The OPRS professional teams comprises social workers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, educational psychologists and special education child care workers. They provide on-site rehabilitation services and training to children with special needs, supplemented with training at centres with rehabilitation facilities. On the other hand, they give professional advice to kindergarten teachers and child care workers to assist them in taking care of children with SEN.

  1. Education services for non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students

NCS students belong to ethnic minorities. They need different supports, including facilitating their early adaptation to the local education system and mastery of the Chinese language. Through interactive classroom activities and role play, NCS students can enhance their learning interest in Chinese. At the same time, individualized learning plans will be formulated for NCS students to continue their language learning.

Self-learning Resources for NCS Students:


Type of support services

Name of services

Tel. No.


Language Learning Support Section

Curriculum Development

On-site Curriculum Development Support
Consultancy Support

3698 3979

Consultancy Support
(Language Teaching Support Program)

3698 4003

Placement and Support Section


Placement assistance

2892 6191

Newly Arrived Children Support Unit

Before admission
early stage of admission to schoo

Induction programme

2892 6190

Initiation Programme

Kindergarten Administration2Section

Admission to Kindergartens

For enquiries from parents of Non-Chinese Speaking Children on kindergarten admission arrangement

3549 3201

General enquiries

Enquiry Hotline for Non-Chinese Speaking Students and Parents

3549 3201